Fly Away BMS Blocks
If the problem area is constantly exposed to weather elements or proves impractical for hanging a block, consider using a Fly Away BMS weather cap. The weather cap comes with a rust-resistant hanger and provides protection from rain and ultra-violet rays, increasing the useful life of your Fly Away block.
Fly Away BMS Bulk Granules
Fly Away bulk granules can be spread over large areas by hand or with home or commercial fertilizer-type broadcast spreaders. Made with the same active ingredient as Fly Away blocks. Granules are designed to deter birds from the wide-open spaces common to home, commercial, public or agricultural settings. Granule potency lasts from 6 to 12 weeks, making it ideal for maintaining large fields, golf courses, parks and airports.
“I was having many issues with birds and other critters due to a next door neighbor who puts out many bird feeders, including ones along my property line. To date, they have 10 feeders out. The feeders are never moved or cleaned and left out year round. Hence they attract many other items besides birds, but the birds have been the messiest by far. The birds seem to sit everywhere around my home and property and always leave many presents. In addition to making nests everywhere not welcomed, they were living under our cars on our driveway leaving seed and poop all over the drive. We even had car repair bills because they and the attraction of mice to their seed were living in the engines of our cars.
When I first found out about the Fly Away BMS products, I tried a few and noticed an immediate difference. I first tried the discs, and then was told the pouches may work better, so now I use both, and added the black weather caps to avoid the rain. The difference in how many birds now visit us everywhere (to include under the car) has changed immensely. We’ve even hung a couple from under our car, and it has also helped.
I highly recommend using this product if you have pesky bird issues, but have no control over what's bringing them on your property. They do work!
Thanks Fly Away - You have made an intolerable situation much easier to handle. We are now working on getting our HOA to limit the amount of feeders on someone's property as well as placement of the feeders. We wish us luck!”
- Marilyn, Illinois