Fly Away BMS is an easy-to-use, effective bird repellent. Fly Away comes in two forms, blocks or granules. Blocks provide a time release of the active ingredient that typically lasts for 3 months. Granules release more active ingredient in the beginning but don’t last quite as long as blocks. If you have a particularly problematic bird issue, order pouches of granules; otherwise, blocks should work fine. If ordering blocks, please take a look at our baskets and weather caps to make hanging your Fly Away BMS blocks even more convenient.
Fly Away BMS Bundle
Fly Away BMS Blocks
Fly Away BMS Granule Pouches
Fly Away BMS Bulk Granules (25 lb bag)
Weather Caps & Hangers
“We have been using Fly Away BMS for several years while in development. We use it over our deck at our winery and in trees to keep the deck bird free and clean. We also use in it our vineyards which has been big help in not having to net our vineyards.”
- Brandon, Winery Owner, Missouri